Celebrating the life of Cynthia Elizabeth Bailey McBride
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Obituary for Cynthia Elizabeth Bailey McBride
Cynthia Elizabeth Bailey McBride was born on February 21, 1951. She passed into eternal rest on January 12, 2022. She is very much loved by her family and will be deeply missed by family and friends.
Masks are required. Please note: This event is for viewing purposes only. The family will not be present. Due to Covid-19, the immediate family will be present for a private Celebration of Life service for Cynthia on Saturday, at Harpers Funeral Home, followed by interment at Historic Mt. Pleasant Church Cemetery. In lieu of sending flowers, the family requests that people make donations to the American Cancer Society.
Harpers Funeral Home
125 Broad StreetClaxton30417GA
United States
Cemetery Details
Historic Mt. Pleasant Church CemeteryFinal Resting Place